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Monday, December 23, 2013

The most magical foods to build strong muscles

The most magical foods to build strong muscles
The most magical foods to build strong muscles

To build the muscles that dream must follow a special diet contain calories, proteins and Don adequate health to build strong muscles the right way and we will review Here are the top 9 foods can maximize their muscle growth
The egg white

The most magical foods to build strong muscles

Each egg protein-rich egg containing 6-8 grams of protein and is also rich in vitamins, zinc, iron, and has its most important element is useful for building muscle which calcium.
The chicken breasts
The most magical foods to build strong muscles
Each chicken breast to 30 grams of protein. And has a low percentage of fat. And also easy to cook and can be served in many ways.
The most magical foods to build strong muscles
Water is an important element to build muscle, it is proven scientific fact that the human body is composed of 80% water. And keeps the muscle moist, making it stronger and increase energy levels in the body.
Fish Oil
The most magical foods to build strong muscles
Has anti-inflammatory benefits, which allows your body to recover faster in heavy exercise. And also works to speed up the metabolism so you do not build strong muscles, but also eliminate the fat.
The most magical foods to build strong muscles
Has the high percentage of omega-3 fatty acids and unsaturated fats has a nearly 400 % and more of vitamins such as vitamin A and beta-carotene and vitamin e

The most magical foods to build strong muscles
Is one of the important foods for building muscle is a wonderful source of protein. And a good source of vitamins and minerals. Some studies have shown that it protects the body from certain types of cancer .

The most magical foods to build strong muscles
Rich source Eroheedarat that help build muscle . And about 100 grams of quinoa contains 14 grams of protein . In addition to more amino acids which are very useful for building muscle .

The most magical foods to build strong muscles
Oat health component . It is rich in carbohydrates and fiber and protein , minerals and vitamins and is hard to digest so it keeps longer in the body. And keeps the blood sugar levels constant.

The most magical foods to build strong muscles
A rich source of bromelain enzyme which is very useful for digestion . And also proved that it reduces muscle inflammation . Making them strong .

The most magical foods to build strong muscles
Alkaline acid in spinach works to prevent muscle loss , especially as they are filled with the element iron . And working to increase muscle growth by 20%. So then you need to eat spinach gene b 2 a day to get the same results .

Sweet potatoes
The most magical foods to build strong muscles 
Carbohydrates are considered a beneficial nutrients for the body. It also helps to strengthen the muscles . So Sweet Potatoes of the tastiest foods that help build muscle . Addition, they store of vitamins and minerals to help maintain the level of sugar in the blood and the constant feeling of satiety for a longer period .

The most magical foods to build strong muscles
It is a powerful source of protein and contains a large proportion of omega-3 fatty acids . Research suggests it helps in increasing the speed of metabolism .

The most magical foods to build strong muscles
Educate yourself in 1115 the most magical foods to build strong muscles contains a high proportion of the amino acids which keeps the muscles. And has a high biological value it helps to build tissue .

The most magical foods to build strong muscles
Is a fiber other vegetables ( spinach and tomatoes, sweet corn and peppers and onions and leeks ) and must deal with about 5-7 of fruits and vegetables a day . You can not find a better source of vitamins and minerals from these sources .

 Wild rice
The most magical foods to build strong muscles
Useful element for building muscle . There it about 3 grams of fiber and 7 grams of protein and is therefore a good alternative to brown rice .

White cheese
The most magical foods to build strong muscles
Some might consider candy . But it is one of the best foods for building muscle . And one cup of cottage cheese contains 28 grams of protein . Therefore, eating a meal of it Khiver contain more proteins.

Milk chocolate
The most magical foods to build strong muscles
It helps in building muscle . In a study published in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition . To be effective when practices aerobics It prevents insomnia.
Red meat ( Ghazal - buffalo)
The most magical foods to build strong muscles
Red meat is a rich source of protein . They are a source of fat -free and contain protein and B , iron, zinc and phosphorus and Sulaizum and copper.
Lentils and chickpeas .
The most magical foods to build strong muscles
He is a vegetarian friend foods rich in protein , which is working to build your muscles . It contains a high proportion of carbohydrates, which affect the rate of insulin .
The most magical foods to build strong muscles
And is an important source of proteins of plant origin , as it contains a quarter of a cup of it to nearly 8 grams of protein , more than whites , also contains unsaturated fats important for heart health , and the almond ratio of magnesium , which enters into more than 300 species of biological processes in the body , and including energy metabolism and protein

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