There's a tug of war going on inside your body every time you eat any meal (based on the ratio of carbs to protein that you eat) ...
Note: dietary fat is the most neutral macronutrient in terms of hormonal response... this is often misunderstood by most people.
The war inside your body that I'm talking about consists of 2 hormones that can either make you fat and cause disease, or make you lean. It's the hormones glucagon and insulin.
Too much insulin over time and development of insulin resistance from eating too many carbs can make you fat, cause out of control hormonal hunger, and can cause diabetes.
On the other hand, glucagon is secreted either when you're fasting or when you eat protein. Glucagon can help you lose fat, but it's NOT always good if it's not balanced.... If your calories are too low, too much glucagon can cause you to lose muscle, which can also harm your metabolic rate, and make you fatter in the long run.
There's a balance that must be struck between glucagon and insulin in order for you to be lean, strong, healthy, and disease-free.
Another complicating factor is that too much insulin harms your production of growth hormone (aka, the youth hormone) ... and as you know, you want to maximize growth hormone as much as possible to slow aging, maintain strong muscles and bones, and lose fat.
Yet another complicating factor is how your average blood sugar over time regulates your rate of aging through "glycation" levels in your body, and all of this plays back into your overall insulin levels too.
This leads some people to believe that totally avoiding carbs is the best way to go to slow aging and lose fat... WRONG! Sadly, going too low on carbs can many times harm thyroid levels and leptin levels.
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